I’m so pleased to have you here! My name is Karina, and I want us to reach our goals together.
Have you ever felt like certain things in life just aren’t for you, because of your personality, skills, body, genes, or whatever else might be limiting you? I’ve felt like that for most of my life. Only recently have I started to realise that we could technically achieve anything if we set our heart on it.
And I don’t mean it like a 5-year-old who wants to become a princess. I’m talking as an adult who has suddenly understood that all it takes to achieve your goals is dedication. After taking the plunge to lead a life that can actually make me happy, I’ve started the journey to achieve my dreams.
I’m not completely sure of how exactly this journey goes, but I know that I’ve already learnt so much ever since I took the first step. Not “the big secret to success” or anything like that, but plenty of little things that help me stay motivated and focused and improve my relationships with loved ones (because weirdly enough, business and relationships seem to work in a strikingly similar way).

Most of these things I learnt from other people. Various different people, like business owners, life coaches, bloggers, university professors, scientists, authors, and people close to me. I don’t know all of them personally, and yet they have given me little bits and pieces that help me progress on my journey.
Everyone is different, and so everyone’s journey is different, too. Yet without knowing about others’ experiences, I would have had to start from scratch. And I know that my own experience matters, too. Just like yours does, very much indeed.
I use this blog to share the bits and pieces I discovered that were of value to me, with the intention of passing my motivation on to you.
I’m an introvert, a quiet, sometimes rather shy person, and I have to deal with IBS on an everyday basis. From this starting point, I work on becoming a successful business owner – success meaning that I’m able to add value to people’s lives, not make millions (I do care about money, but it’s not what keeps me going). If you start from a similar place or go in a similar direction, or if anything I said until now spoke to you, I hope that we can go the rest of the way together!
If you’re interested in my story in more detail, you can read about the different aspects of it here: