Small talk tips for introverts

small talk tips for introverts

As an introvert, small talk can be a struggle. It can easily feel overwhelming to talk and yet say nothing of importance. Small talk doesn’t always feel like a very authentic way of communication. It doesn’t allow us to listen and analyse in order to say something meaningful. Because of that, small talk can easily feel draining and uncomfortable for introverts.

That being said, ignoring small talk as an introvert might make for some awkward silence while waiting for the elevator. Or in the car. A lot of places, actually.

If you’re an introvert, talking about unimportant stuff like the weather might be your worst nightmare. But it’s certainly a better option than dealing with awkward silence, at least for me.

Below, you’ll find a couple of easy strategies to handle small talk as an introvert. I really hope they help!

Tell a related story

The first small talk tip for introverts is something I learnt from my extroverted friend. She’s always mastering awkward social situations with such ease!

Here’s an example: My friend came to my house to meet my parents for the first time. When she arrived, my dad was repairing the microwave. He excused himself for being occupied and explained what had happened to the microwave.

Now, this is a typical social situation where I wouldn’t know what to say. But my friend started telling the story of how she once broke a microwave by setting a croissant with butter on fire (yes, that actually happened).

This response made for a nice little conversation that was just long enough for a first meeting. Everyone laughed, my parents loved her – what more does one want?

I have used this technique ever since and I can assure you that it works like a charm! Granted, people won’t always be super interested in your stories. But that’s okay because it breaks the awkward silence and puts everyone (yourself included) much more at ease.

You can talk about a story related to the situation you’re in, what another person said, or just a random experience you had that morning. Just pick an appropriate, casual topic and say something that will break the silence.

It’s definitely a decent way to make small talk as an introvert.

Try follow-up questions

Telling a story is a great way to avoid awkward silence. But sometimes, the other person starts talking first – and that’s when the situation becomes a lot easier!

Let’s be real: people love talking about themselves. If you listen carefully and show interest, they’ll probably say more. And they’ll think you’re nice! It’s truly a win-win situation, because we as introverts often love to listen. Instead of dealing with uncomfortable small talk, you’re simply asking thoughtful follow-up questions.

Let’s look at an example: The person told you that they didn’t get much sleep last night. Now, you ask whether they went out, or if their cat or baby woke them up. If you’re lucky, they’ll follow up with a description of their night. At this point, even if you can’t relate to their experience at all, you just say “oh” and “cool” and “oh, no” in the right places and you’ll be fine.

And the best part? You’ll get to know them better and maybe you’ll even become friends!

Ask questions to break the silence

If you have never seen a person before, asking questions to break the silence might be very weird. Imagine you meet a new person in the elevator and they start questioning you about your plans for the night? Weird. When you don’t know a person at all, there’s really no need to talk.

But let’s say you’ve been introduced or at least know who the other is. A friend of a friend, a co-worker you’ve seen around… Staying silent might not be an option. So, questions to the rescue! How does the person know your friend? What exactly is their job? Have they got any plans for the holidays?

Again, asking questions should get the other person talking and get you off the hook. The perfect way to make small talk as an introvert!

Plus, you might actually end up having an interesting conversation. These social rituals are not all worthless.

Let people talk

Sometimes, people start talking to you just because they feel like talking. It could be neighbours, other patients in a doctor’s waiting room, or even random people on the bus. It happens to me all the time!

Usually, they are perfectly happy when I just smile and don’t say anything. In fact, they almost seem annoyed when I reply! It’s a win-win for small talk haters like me because I don’t have to do anything.

I’m not going to lie though, I absolutely hate when random people start speaking to me. It makes me super uncomfortable and I can’t wait to get away. But at least I don’t have to do any small talk myself, right?

I hope you found this article helpful! If you did, be sure to share these small talk tips for introverts with your friends. 🙂

23 Replies to “Small talk tips for introverts”

  1. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and I love the way you’ve handled this particular topic. I’m an introvert who has social anxiety, so really appreciate your tips!

    1. That’s so sweet, thank you! I’m happy that you found them helpful.

  2. Am kind of an introvert, these tips will be of help. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m glad that you found them helpful! 🙂

  3. This is really awesome. When i talk to people who keep mute. I ask questions upon questions to chat with the person or look for a strategic way to engage the person
    But your post have given me lovely insights.

    1. Questions are great! The only problem is when people keep replying with one-word sentences and you run out of questions to ask… Whenever this happens I find it easier to tell a story. I just can’t deal with weird silence!

  4. This post was so relatable, because I hate small talk as well.

    1. I’m glad you liked it 🙂

  5. I’m an introvert too 😃 I usually can find something to talk about and I think it gets easier as you get older.

    1. I never thought about that, but it makes total sense! The more experiences you have, the easier it gets to find something to say. 🙂

  6. I’m not a fan of small talk myself and there are some great tips here! Thank you.

    1. I’m glad you liked them! 🙂

  7. I have started using these way before. Earlier I used to zone out in the middle of conversations but now I try to actively listen to everything they have to say and then ask questions too! It really improves relations with people. But many times I struggle to speak out in public like in class be use of bad anxiety. I hope I get bette with it!

    1. I used to have that too in school, but it got so much better when I went to university! I just found it so much easier to work on my confidence around people who didn’t know all throughout my weird teenage years. I’m sure that you’ll get better with it, just keep working on it little by little!

  8. Great tips! I love the bit about asking questions, what a great way to play to your own strengths by directing someone less introverted to guide the conversation.

    1. Exactly! This way the conversation gets easier for everyone. I’m happy that you liked it 🙂

  9. Sheila Tagaro says: Reply

    This post is for me haha I hate small talk! Awkward silences suck really but these are good tips. Introverts are usually taken as rude. People just don’t know we’re trying hard.

    1. It’s so bad when people think that introverts are rude although we’re just wracking our brain to find something to say! I’m glad you liked the tips. 🙂

  10. Thanks for sharing all these tips! I will use them the next time I will have to do small talk. They will be really helpful. 😀 It’s so exhausting to keep up with small talk….

    1. I’m happy that you found them helpful! Yeah, small talk can be really exhausting, especially when you have to work really hard to keep up the conversation…

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