Have you been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but have no idea how to figure out your food triggers? In this post, we’re diving into the common IBS food triggers that can wreak havoc on our digestive systems. I’m going to share foods that trigger symptoms for many (though not all!) IBS sufferers, from sneaky […]
feeling unmotivated? how to boost productivity & regain motivation

Being productive when you’re not motivated can be challenging. It’s not easy to get things done when you’re feeling uninspired. You can tend to get overwhelmed, discouraged, and start beating yourself up. Sometimes, you wake up and dread being creative or doing anything at all. Like me today. I’m a freelancer who recently lost a […]
Small talk tips for introverts

As an introvert, small talk can be a struggle. It can easily feel overwhelming to talk and yet say nothing of importance. Small talk doesn’t always feel like a very authentic way of communication. It doesn’t allow us to listen and analyse in order to say something meaningful. Because of that, small talk can easily […]
Parenting as an introvert: my experience & how to cope

I’ve never really thought that parenting as an introvert could be a struggle. After all, what does the baby care if you’re an introverted mom or a total extrovert? The answer to that is: the baby doesn’t care. But being an introverted parent comes with its challenges. If you’re interested in my experience during my […]
Can EFT Tapping Help With Anxiety And IBS?

In this post, I wanted to share how you can use EFT tapping to help with both IBS and anxiety. For me personally, anxiety is my biggest IBS trigger. This means that addressing it with tapping helps me with my IBS symptoms as well. Of course, if your IBS is completely unrelated to stress, this […]
How to find effective remedies for IBS

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply take a pill and your IBS would be gone? I bet it’s every IBS sufferers dream, deep down. But unfortunately, there are no “cure-it-all” remedies for IBS. And dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is much more complicated than that. In my previous IBS-related posts about working with IBS, living […]
Herbs for IBS and anxiety

Have you ever tried using herbal remedies for your IBS and anxiety? In my experience, herbs are great for addressing digestive and stress-related symptoms in a gentle way. If you’re like me and don’t love taking medication, herbs can be an amazing and more natural alternative that doesn’t require a prescription from the doctor. Below, […]
How to practice gratitude every day

Some days are a struggle and make you want to be anything but grateful. Sometimes, everything goes wrong from the moment you wake up in the morning. Other times, you’re just sick, discouraged and done with the world. Negative events and emotions keep piling up, and you find yourself in a vicious circle of negativity. […]
How to maximise efficiency using a simple to-do list

Are you looking for a simple way to increase efficiency at work and in everyday life? Then look no further! The to-do list is a well-known tool nowadays. It seems to simple – and yet, it’s one of the most effective tool for maximizing efficiency, productivity, and reducing stress. And the best part about to-do […]
How to leave your comfort zone with IBS and anxiety

In my experience, articles about personal development tend to suggest one thing: stepping out of your comfort zone. And while I absolutely see the benefit of that, leaving my comfort zone when I have IBS and anxiety can feel very daunting. Sure, it’s great to try new things, meet new people and expand your horizon. […]
4 Easy Ways To Get Out Of A Rut

You’ve read hundreds of blog posts on personal development. You’ve tried implementing all the good habits. But despite seeming like you have it together on the outside, you secretly feel like you’re going nowhere. Here you are, stuck in a rut. Following the same old routine day in, day out. Having no idea how to […]
Working with IBS: 6 tips to prevent & handle flares

Working in an office when you have IBS can feel daunting. Getting up early, dealing with the fear of flares, often not enough privacy in the bathroom. And then there is the commute, the stress, the meetings, and the co-workers. While an office might never feel as comfortable as your own home, here are some […]
Could it be possible to heal IBS?

I’ve been dealing with IBS-D for almost 10 years now. All I’ve ever heard is that it can be managed, but not cured. I’ve tried the Low FODMAP diet, various medications that didn’t work and lifestyle changes that helped a lot. From cutting out dairy, gluten and almost every other food to managing symptoms with […]
Nerva for IBS: An honest review

Before I get into this post, I just wanted to make clear that it is NOT sponsored in any way, shape, or form. I simply purchased the Nerva program with my own money because I was interested in trying hypnotherapy for IBS. Everything I say in this post is based on my own experience. My […]
5 easy ways to save money in everyday life

Reducing your spending habits to save money can be overwhelming. Whether you’re saving for a house, or retirement, or just in case: the whole world of finances can feel overpowering when you have no idea what you’re doing. I’m just a simple girl who loves fashion and the occasional take-out meal. I don’t know anything […]
Success is overrated. Or do we just define it wrong?

Success is overrated. In our society, we’re often measured by certain achievements and milestones. Someone who’s good at school will have an easier time imagining a bright future than someone who struggles. Going to university, finding a job that pays well: all that we use to determine how successful we are in life. As employees, […]