I’ve never really thought that parenting as an introvert could be a struggle. After all, what does the baby care if you’re an introverted mom or a total extrovert? The answer to that is: the baby doesn’t care. But being an introverted parent comes with its challenges. If you’re interested in my experience during my […]
For parents
Parenting isn’t an easy thing in itself. But parenting with IBS? Parenting as an introvert? Being productive as a work-from-home parent? That’s a whole new level of difficulty. Discover my experience and helpful tips, coming from a self-employed, introverted new mom with IBS-D.
Parenting with IBS: What is it like being a mom with IBS-D?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a baby when you have IBS? How parenting and IBS can go hand in hand? If it’s even at all possible? If yes, then this post is for you! I have IBS-D and I also have a baby. And today, I’m going to share the good, the […]
How to be productive when you have a baby

Are you wondering how to be productive when you have a baby? I think every parent is, at least once in a while. Being productive as a new mom is hard! This is actually my second time writing this post. The first time I wrote it on my phone while breastfeeding my newborn, thinking that […]
The problem with Christmas during a pandemic as an introverted new mom

You won’t know this, but I haven’t written anything in a while. Most of my posts were planned and written during my pregnancy (yes, I’m organised like that). I knew that I wouldn’t have much time or energy once the baby was here. What I didn’t know is how little inspiration I would have. I […]
Pregnancy and IBS: my unfiltered experience

When you are a woman of children-bearing age who has Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you might be asking yourself: how will pregnancy affect my IBS? Or: how will I deal with IBS during pregnancy? I asked myself the exact same question. Actually, I was kind of sure that I knew the answer, too. In my head, […]
How to be productive during pregnancy

If you’re pregnant right now, you might be lying in bed or on your couch, wondering how the heck you can manage to be productive during pregnancy. Maybe you feel like you’re not yourself anymore because you have so little energy. Or you beat yourself up for getting so little done. To be honest, it feels […]