As the famous investor Warren Buffet once said, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Of course, saving up a percentage of your income every month and investing in stocks is a great way to increase your financial security. But are you also dedicating time to nurture your mental and physical wellbeing?
Whether it’s learning how to play a new instrument or watching TED talks to expand your knowledge, time spent on self-improvement is always time well spent. Need some ideas to get started? Here are 5 ways to invest in yourself and better your future:
Repeat Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are a great way to reprogram our subconscious minds and break our limiting beliefs. By simply changing self-sabotaging thoughts like “I’m not smart enough” to “I am enough, and I’m becoming better each day”, we can slowly regain the confidence to achieve goals that we deemed out of our reach. When repeating these affirmations, make sure to visualize yourself embodying the traits of the person you admire. With time, you will inevitably become the best version of yourself.
Sign Up For An Online Course
If you’ve been wanting to brush up on your coding skills or learn how to draw professionally, this is the time to do it. Nowadays, the internet is full of free resources that you can utilize to absorb new knowledge and learn new skills. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, the infinite sea of knowledge is for you to explore.
Find a mentor
No matter if you’re still in college or already out in the career field, having a mentor can provide you with many opportunities and advantages. A mentor can guide you in the right direction, shorten your learning curve, open your eyes to new ideas, and connect you with amazing resources. If you’re feeling a bit lost in your career or life in general, consider finding a mentor to help you navigate through this period of your life.
Start A Side Hustle
If you’re feeling limited by the earning potential at your current 9-5 job, why not start a side hustle to diversify your income? Having a side hustle is a great way to not only increase your income, but also allow you to focus on what you’re passionate about. Whether it’s starting a blog, selling art prints online, or starting a YouTube channel. There are a million and one ways to make money, and you should be able to find one that fits your passion.
Exercise & Nourish Your Body
As the common saying goes: “health is wealth”. Your health is the most important thing in your life. Without a healthy body, it becomes difficult to live a satisfactory and comfortable life. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are small habits that can completely transform your life and better your well-being. Instead of driving to work, consider walking or biking. And instead of eating at McDonald’s for lunch, maybe opt for a healthy rice bowl. Small changes like this can add up and make a huge difference.

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