I really wanted to write a post about the steps to take when you think you have IBS. How you can gain clarity and manage IBS symptoms once the illness strikes. IBS can occur all of a sudden. It did for me. I went from a somewhat normally functioning human being to a total mess […]
dealing with IBS
Tips for stress-free travelling with IBS

Travelling with IBS can seem like a challenge. But to me personally, it is in some ways easier than dealing with IBS in everyday life. The reason is that you get to plan your travels yourself. You’re on vacation, and no one will force you to stick to a certain schedule. But there are some […]
How to deal with IBS & why a routine can help

Sticking to a certain routine has helped me immensely to deal with IBS. There are various types of IBS routines, from sticking to foods that work for you to starting your day the same way every morning. Finding a routine makes your mind and body feel safer because you know exactly what is coming next. […]