DISCLAIMER For this blog, I have divided my story into 3 parts. My IBS story, my shyness/introversion story, and this part about searching for positivity. These stories are part of my life, but they aren’t necessary equally related to all the problems I’ve faced, the solutions I’ve found and the tips I can share. In […]
my story
My IBS story

DISCLAIMER Before I start telling you the not-so-pretty details of my IBS story, I want you to know that I did find a way to manage it. It always freaks me out to read people’s IBS horror stories. Especially when they don’t contain any kind of positive message. So I wanted to start by saying […]
Hello, I’m shy and an introvert – my story

I am a shy introvert. I didn’t always know that, and from my experience, self-compassion and self-improvement are very difficult to achieve when you can’t understand why your mind works a certain way. Hating my shyness For the longest time, I considered myself a shy extrovert. I thought that my shyness was stopping me from […]