As an introvert, small talk can be a struggle. It can easily feel overwhelming to talk and yet say nothing of importance. Small talk doesn’t always feel like a very authentic way of communication. It doesn’t allow us to listen and analyse in order to say something meaningful. Because of that, small talk can easily […]
Tips for Introverts
Life as an introvert in a society that values the extrovert ideal can be difficult. But being an introvert doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful! This is why I share tips and advice for introverts in this category. Discover how you can make the most out of your beautiful introverted personality and create a life that works for you!
Parenting as an introvert: my experience & how to cope

I’ve never really thought that parenting as an introvert could be a struggle. After all, what does the baby care if you’re an introverted mom or a total extrovert? The answer to that is: the baby doesn’t care. But being an introverted parent comes with its challenges. If you’re interested in my experience during my […]
How to leave your comfort zone with IBS and anxiety

In my experience, articles about personal development tend to suggest one thing: stepping out of your comfort zone. And while I absolutely see the benefit of that, leaving my comfort zone when I have IBS and anxiety can feel very daunting. Sure, it’s great to try new things, meet new people and expand your horizon. […]
How to make friends at work as an introvert

Making friends gets harder as you get older. Especially if you’re an introvert and don’t just “collect” friends like some extroverts are able to do. Once you’ve finished school and university where connections are more naturally formed, you end up with one question on your mind: How to make friends at work as an introvert? […]
The problem with Christmas during a pandemic as an introverted new mom

You won’t know this, but I haven’t written anything in a while. Most of my posts were planned and written during my pregnancy (yes, I’m organised like that). I knew that I wouldn’t have much time or energy once the baby was here. What I didn’t know is how little inspiration I would have. I […]
How to combat loneliness as an introvert

Do you ever struggle with loneliness as an introvert? I know I do. Being an introvert, I love my alone time. I need is just as much as the air I breathe. But no introvert is self-sufficient, and we all need social interactions! And so, even introverts get lonely. Now, socialising as an introvert can […]
How to survive a wedding as an introverted guest

There comes an age at which all of your friends are suddenly getting married. And for some reason, I was always looking forward to that. Dressing up, witnessing your friends tie a bond for life, the whole party that comes with it… Since my family is really small and I don’t have cousins, this all […]
How to become more assertive as a shy introvert

Have you ever wondered how you can become more assertive as a (shy) introvert? I have, too. My whole life, basically. In my natural state, I’m probably the least assertive person in the world. I always try to accommodate others, will never give my opinion if I’m not asked, and take things people say to […]
How to avoid being a socially awkward introvert

Let’s face it: being an introvert often goes hand in hand with some sort of social awkwardness. Not necessarily because you behave in a weird way (although I do), but because there are situations that you’re simply not comfortable with. As an entrepreneur, I had to face a bunch of these situations and find ways […]
Secret struggles of an introvert and how to solve them

Let’s face it: it’s not easy to be an introvert in a world that cherishes the extrovert ideal. A third to a half of all people in the world* are introverts, and we have plenty of great qualities. But instead of encouraging them, we still get told way to often that there is something wrong […]
How to make new friends as an introvert

Making friends as an introvert is so much easier when you’re young. Whether in school or at university, you’re around people your age all day long. If you’re surrounded by a decent group, you’re bound to find a friend after a while. For some reason, no one tells you how difficult it gets to find […]
How to improve your negotiation skills as an introvert

If you’re an introvert, negotiating can seem daunting to you. Whether it’s a price negotiation with a potential client or a salary negotiation with your employer – you might feel like you lack assertiveness and charisma and will never get what you deserve. As an introvert, you might simply feel like negotiation is not your […]
How to overcome shyness as an introvert

Shyness is often considered to be negative. For me, if someone tells me that I’m shy, I get straight up offended. Not because they mean it as an insult, but because I tried so hard to overcome shyness ever since I was a kid. When I was little, I used to get extremely anxious around […]
How to stop living inside your head when you’re an introvert

As an introvert, you can sometimes have the tendency to start living inside your head a little too much. I started reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday. And no, this is not a book review (although I love the book)! But there is one passage where the main character explains to someone what he’s […]
How to make introvert-extrovert friendships work

Introvert-extrovert friendships can be great, but they can also be hard on us introverts. Extroverted friends are amazing. They help us introverts get out of our comfort zone and be social. They can be awesome conversational partners. My best friend is an extrovert, and hanging out with her is the easiest thing in the world. […]
Hello, I’m shy and an introvert – my story

I am a shy introvert. I didn’t always know that, and from my experience, self-compassion and self-improvement are very difficult to achieve when you can’t understand why your mind works a certain way. Hating my shyness For the longest time, I considered myself a shy extrovert. I thought that my shyness was stopping me from […]