Work hard, play hard, they say. But have you ever struggled with feeling guilty during your free time? Almost as if you weren’t allowed to take a break from work? In a society where we value hard-working people, it can seem like you should be working all the time. Especially if you’re an entrepreneur or […]
How to become a better person in everyday life
Do you want to be a good person? If yes, you’re not alone. Many of us care about being a good person. And being seen as one. But even though we attempt to do the right thing as often as we can, it doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. No matter […]
6 quick and easy ways to find inspiration
Do you ever struggle to find inspiration? When you’re feeling inspired, it’s quite easy to generate new ideas and get creative. There is so much you want to do and you can’t wait to get started. But none of us are inspired all the time. Sometimes, you get caught up in a never-ending to-do list […]
Living with IBS: 5 ways to get your life back
Let’s face it: living with IBS isn’t easy. But it’s possible. And it doesn’t have to ruin your life. I often get requests from readers who suffer from IBS, just like I do. And most of the time, they’re just looking for anything that might help them cope with the illness. While I have written […]
4 reasons to embrace self-reliance and DIY your life
Have you ever been afraid to rely on yourself? Did you ever think that you’d be better off putting your project in the hands of a professional, even though you could theoretically attempt it yourself? Embracing self-reliance can be tricky. Whether it’s about work, a DIY project or setting up a website, it’s easy to […]
Quick and easy ways to turn around a bad day
Do you sometimes just have a bad day because everything is going wrong, or even for no reason at all? Do you struggle to find ways to turn around a bad day? It surely happens to me. Some days are composed of minor catastrophes piling on top of each other until the only thing I […]
10 Ways to Level Up Your Life Right Now
Are you feeling stuck? Helpless to the events around you that drag you down? Comfortable and stable but unfulfilled and unhappy? I can promise you, you are not alone. It is time to take control of this game we call life and level up your life right now. The negative and heavy emotions you feel […]
How to avoid being a socially awkward introvert
Let’s face it: being an introvert often goes hand in hand with some sort of social awkwardness. Not necessarily because you behave in a weird way (although I do), but because there are situations that you’re simply not comfortable with. As an entrepreneur, I had to face a bunch of these situations and find ways […]
How to overcome limiting beliefs in 4 simple steps
Overcoming limiting beliefs means opening up to the possibility of success. Sounds good, doesn’t it? But what exactly are limiting beliefs? Put simply, limiting beliefs are things you tell yourself about yourself that keep you from going after certain dreams. “I’ll never get that job because I’m not smart enough” would be one, for example. […]
Difficult choices: how to avoid unhappiness & do the right thing
I always advocate the importance of making your own choices. You’re different than the people around you, and you need to find a path that’s right for you. And yet, I recently came to think about the fact that sometimes, having a choice is not the best thing. Have you ever been in a happy […]
6 things you need to know when starting a business
Whether it’s a marketplace for pet sitters or a blog about something you’re passionate about: a lot of us have probably thought about starting a business one day. If you’ve read other posts of mine before, you might know that I started my freelancing business last year. And this blog, of course! But I don’t […]
Secret struggles of an introvert and how to solve them
Let’s face it: it’s not easy to be an introvert in a world that cherishes the extrovert ideal. A third to a half of all people in the world* are introverts, and we have plenty of great qualities. But instead of encouraging them, we still get told way to often that there is something wrong […]
How to see every day as a new beginning
A lot of us are used to seeing certain events and milestones as a new beginning. So many resolutions are formed during New Year’s, on our birthday, for the new school year, etc. And when we fail to keep up with them, as we so often do, we assume that that was it. Instead of […]
3 reasons why turning off your phone will make you more creative
Have you ever noticed how whenever you’re waiting or bored, you automatically take out your phone? We’re probably all guilty of checking social media and/or playing games on our phones way too much. I know I am. Being on your phone is great to pass the time. It gives you the impression of being occupied. […]
How to be in charge of your own happiness
Did you ever feel like your happiness depended on someone else’s actions? Maybe you were desperately waiting for your boss to finally give you a promotion. Maybe you were counting on your partner to find that perfect gift for your birthday. Or maybe you just noticed how someone who was going through a bad period […]
How to cope when you have too much to do
We all know the feeling: you have so much work to tackle that you probably won’t be done until the end of the year. And as always when you have too much to do, new tasks just keep coming in! As a result, you’re feeling incredibly stressed, don’t know where to start, and keep jumping […]